Friday, 4 February 2011

Application Cybernetic Network

Adroit limb has a diversified application over a colossal field like medical science, industries and day to day activities. Cyborg can be used for those who are ailing from many abnormalities.People suffering from nervous disorders can be helped by connecting them through a Cyborg network along with a robot to assist them. The Cyborg network can also assist people suffering from stroke.Replacing the affected organ with a robotic organ making him a cybernetic human being can also help people who had been amputed off their organs.A cybernetic human being can perform various tasks even though he is ailing from body disorders.People who have become handicapped due to stroke or any accidents can also be benefited from this technological evolution.This technology can also be used with eye disorders.Thus the applications enunciate that the entire human beings are benefited. This proves that those who are suffering from physical ailments can perform their task just like a normal person does.

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