Friday, 4 February 2011

What is Speech and Language

‘SPEECH ‘- gods greatest gift to his most beloved invention ‘men’. Its indeed the power of speech and our ability to communicate with the fellow kind that sets man apart from the rest of the species .its an irony that some of our contemporaries are deprived of this wonderful ability. this paper aims to bring a new life to these ‘dumb’ people .the dumb people all over the world have their own common sign language to communicate among themselves and few others who knew the language well .this limits them to a closed community of dumb men who are not able to communicate with the external world .so there is a scope in utilizing these sign languages in developing a comprehensive method of deciphering these sign languages to voice signals .this enables the dumb men to communicate well with the normal people also, they perform their normal routine of their signs,persuasive speeches,informative speech,speeches,speech

Here we capture the signs made by the dumb people (standard sign signals –international standard sign codes) using a mono chrome camera. The dumb person is asked to wear gloves of the same color, which the camera detects.  

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