Friday, 4 February 2011

Working Process in Computer, Printed Circuit Board(PCB) and Brain

Brain is the master organ in every living being. It co-ordinates every action. The way we speak, walk, talk and eat all depends on the lead that brain gives. Nothing is outside the action of the administration of the brain. Hence brain keeps a tight rein on every part of the body. The interfacing gadget is placed beneath the skin and above the muscle. The conducting band is wrapped around the synapses. The electrical signal from the synapses passes through the band and energizes the copper coil connected to it. The copper coil is preferred because it is a good conductor and also it produces current when energized and also it is very cheap.For the first time the signal received may be considered as the reference. Hence the first signal is recorded under the human guidance, designated for a particular work. When a similar thought is made the similar signal appears at computer end. Now the computer compares it with the reference. If the signals match, the designated work is done or else it will be recorded.

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